Swamp Monsters Philip Zimmermann (2020)
The Ice Plant (Los Angeles) and Spaceheater Editions (Tucson) announced the co-publication of Swamp Monsters on September 21, 2020, just three and a half weeks after these photographs from the 2020 Republican National Convention were taken. Swamp Monsters is a limited newsprint edition of 666 copies and commemorates the historically frightful 2020 Republican National Convention (August 24-27, 2020) with a series of photographs made by Philip Zimmermann as the spectacle unfolded on the television screen. This rogue's gallery of hideous video portraits was printed in Paris, France by printnewspaper.com in full color in an unbound tabloid newspaper format. Many thanks to Clif Meador of the Studio of Exhaustion for suggesting the title.
Thanks also go to Mike Slack of co-publisher Ice Plant Books for editing the 120 images into this commemorative 56-page newspaper, massaging the images for newsprint, and for designing it. A crazy collaboration that felt necessary somehow.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Arizona Democratic Party and other Arizona Democratic Candidates in the fall 2020 election cycle. Let’s turn AZ blue!
Please note that the ISBN number listed on the back of this tabloid is incorrect. The correct ISBN Number for Swamp Monsters is 978-1-63649-689-4 . You can also purchase copies from Vamp & Tramp, Booksellers .